The pattern is free from Lion Brand, it called for Microspun, but I used TLC Cotton Plus in pink that I already had, and used Fancy Fur in pink that I already had. It knitted up quickly. So if I can find some more of the Fancy Fur in pink I'm commissioned to make a slightly larger one for the original doggie. Who's name oddly enough is Olivia!
The second project was for a friend at work who has a 4-5 month old boy. I made this sweater from the March issue of Crochet! magazine. The pattern had flowers for a girl, so I left them off as well as the pockets and added little car buttons. He really liked it and has promised me a picture of the baby donning the jacket. I used Caron Simply Soft in Turquoise and instead of the white Bliss yarn it called for to make the collar, I used some white Bernat Boa that I already had. I thought it turned out kinda cute! Oh! I also added about an inch to the bottom in a border, not in the original pattern because it looked kinda short since my gauge was off. And one extra picture of the little buttons since they were really cute!Currently I'm knitting a scarf for myself, yeehaw! It is the first time that I have knitted cables, and I'm surprised at how easy it is! I've practiced a little before, but never made anything. Bought myself a nice cable needle to use and have subsequently lost it, so I am using a double-point needle as my cable needle. A little awkward, but it's doing the job. I'm about 2/3's finished, so stay tuned!