Ok, the first funny thing is my dear Mother telling me she got around to reading my GLOB. Say WHAT??! I didn't laugh at first because I didn't know if she was serious, she has a habit of putting her unique spin on book and movie titles, and then I said you mean my BLOG? And she started laughing, I was like, WHEW. But between you and I, I think she WAS serious.
Another funny thing, since I have been in a crocheting mood lately, is this picture I found of a life size GREYHOUND someone crocheted! I don't know that I would have the patience to do something like this, but heck then I would have to crochet a dog bed for each floor to go with the greyhound, and I don't think it's worth it.
What's NOT funny is that I am still hacking away with this cough/cold thing. I'm a mess!