I finally finished the wrap/shawl I was making, you know the one that started as an afghan and ended up a shawl since I ran out of yarn! Well I was adding the fringe and ran out of yarn again! I went to every Michael's and Joann's around me and they didn't have it anywhere! So I asked my friends on Crochetville.org (a bunch of crocheting guys and gals!) and a crocheter in Michigan found it and mailed out to me! It was so nice! And I gave it to Rochelle, my neighbor, for all the support she gave me over the last couple of months. So here it is!

The color looks weird, so here is a close up of the same, the color here is closer to the real deal. The yarn is TLC Amore in Celery. The pattern is a variati
on of the Lilacs afghan in the July 2007 issue of Crochet! magazine. Rochelle loved it! I dont' know what's with me, but I'm really into the crochet right now!
On another note, I got a job! I start on Monday, Oct 15th, and I can't wait. The people seem really great and it is everything I was looking for!