Happy Halloween to all! Went this past weekend to the Eastern State Peniteniary in Philly. It's an abandoned prison in the middle of central Philly and it's supposed to be haunted! We went to the Terror Behind the Walls haunted house, which is a haunted house inside the walls of the prison, and the next day toured the prison and tried to do some ghostbusting. But that was a bust! I took a ton of pictures, bu

t captured no orbs or crazy mists. I also used the new EMF detector I got to try to locate ghosts, but also came up empty. The EMF (electormagnetic field) detector registers the EMFs in the room. Ghosts use energy to materialize, so it is thought if you get a reading in a place where there shouldn't be any EMFs, then you may have a ghost. We got squat. Here are a couple of pictures, one of the outside of the prison and one inside looking down a cell block. Here is the prison link if you're interested, it's pretty cool!
I also finished the shawl/wrap that I was working on. It didn't turn out very well, to me, but someone might like it. I'm thinking about starting a crochet/knit group at my new job to make premie hats and prayer shawls. But, I'll wait a bit, until I fit in a little

better with the co-workers. It's a strange job. Gotta go, it's 6:30 PM and I might actually get a trick-or-treater this year!