I haven't taken pictures of my two greys in a while so I wrestled (or rasseled as my southern Momma would say) with them to get a nice portrait of each from the nose up. Not an easy task when you are working with a greyhound snout! Here is Hans (a.k.a.
U Too Handsome on the racing circuit) looking cool as a cucumber. At 7 he takes everthing in stride, and will even model hats and scarves once I'm made them. I don't know about trying a sweater on him, his legs are awfully long! Well, maybe a wrap around number?
And then there is Gigi (a.k.a.
Cruizing Electra) who is 4 and still rather skittish. You can tell I had to wrangle her dow

n to get a picture, and she looks pretty freaked out! But they are good puppies and I love 'em.
I stuck gold recently when I got a deal in the mail for a craft book club, one of those where they give you some books for a buck and then you have to buy 2 more in 3 years. Well I couldn't resist and finally got my order today! Here are the 6 (count 'em) books I got for $24.50 which included the shipping and handling! A $125.00 deal! They are awesome and I have already chosen some patterns to make. Look out friends and family!

My lovely neighbor Rochelle gave me a bag full of crochet thread that was her Mother's before she passed away a year or two ago. There were a couple of unfinished items in the bag that her Mom had been working on, I'm sure it was difficult to part with them. I saw a darling little clutch purse in one of the books that I am going to make for Rochelle out of the unfinished items from her Mom's "stash" as we call it in the yarn world. A little something to keep jewelry or something in, and I thought I might add some pretty beads to it also. I'll keep you up to date!
Still working go the sweater for little Toothless, the pattern got confusing so I had to step away to rest and go back with a new perspective. I'm almost half finished!