Yesterday I started a little crochet sweater for my niece who is 6, and shall henceforth be known as "Toothless", until her two front teeth come in and then I'll have to think up another name. This little number is a new pattern on the Lion Brand website and the yarn called

In other matters, I had an interview today for a job close to home and I was quite nervous. I would like to thank my friend Susan, who flew the coop to Florida (damn her), for helping me prepare for the "behavior interview questions" I might need to answer in the interview. Anybody who has been on an interveiw recently knows that these questions are now all the rage with the HR people. They don't ask you if you can type anymore, they want to know "what is your biggest weakness"? Say WHAT? Not something I wanted to bring up. Let's see...humm, I can't eat just one cookie?? Obviously this is why I asked Susan to help, she can bullshit with the best of 'em. No really, in a good way, I swear. Thanks Susan, you're the best! Now everyone cross your fingers.